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Top Podcasts for Dating




February 2, 2021

Top Podcasts for Dating

You're not alone if "I would have never thought I'd be living through a global pandemic before I was in a relationship" has ever crossed your mind in the last 11 months. We all know we've been living in strange times, but this is especially true when it comes to dating. Maybe you're trying to live out your modern day love story (aren't we all?!) and you've read our blog about the best dating apps or dating during a pandemic but you're looking for more—some relevant advice, or even just for some real-life dating tales to keep you entertained (and feeling less alone.) For all that, we have you covered with the next best thing to Bridgerton---our top dating podcasts.

Dates and Mates

In case you didn't know, our favorite dating expert Damona Hoffman has a podcast and it's everything you need. She helps make modern love simple and brings other experts on the show to weigh in on the different topics of dating.

Dating Diaries

This podcast dives into experiences of single people and dating during the COVID-19 pandemic. Each episode features different perspectives, narratives, and desperate measures being taken while staying home and trying to connect in this new age of dating.

Modern Love

A popular New York Times column re-formatted and launched into a podcast gives you a glimpse into the love lives of real people. The hosts Daniel Jones and Miya Lee explore topics through conversation and storytelling.


This podcast is real talk. They make it very clear they "believe everyone has a story to tell and you're never alone in your experiences". The stories come from a wide range of people -- some you might even relate to. You always have to appreciate hosts Yue Xu and Julie Krafchick for doing a great job providing relatable takeaways and kee[ing episodes entertaining.

And voila! Some of our favorite --- non serial killer related podcasts --- for anyone out there looking for relationship advice, stories to relate to, or even just a good laugh. Do you think we missed a good one? Let us know in the comments below.

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