October 23, 2017

#ScariestPhoneBill: Fee Fiasco

Written by erin

Saving Money

Editor's note: This contest is no longer applicable.

This story is part of our #ScariestPhoneBill series. If you’d like to enter for a chance to win a free Samsung Galaxy S7 from TextNow, share your #ScariestPhoneBill story on Facebook or Twitter using that hashtag to be entered.

Nine months ago Melissa was just like any other American — she had a phone plan with a major carrier, and was blissfully unaware that there was a better option. She and her husband dealt with constant overage charges, additional fees and taxes each month on top of her already pricey phone bill.

“Unlimited Data” was never truly unlimited, and somehow Melissa received a data usage warning every month, even after upgrading her plan. Nearly every month Melissa would concede to the warning messages and pay $15 extra per plan to increase their data limits. After over 6 years of this type of treatment Melissa thought Enough is enough! and started looking for a new cell phone provider.

After months of searching for a suitable replacement for her previous provider, Melissa came across TextNow. Not only was she surprised by their affordable, contract-free plans, but she’s learned of a few additional benefits over time that she shares with as many people as she can.

Some of those lesser-known benefits include the ability to put an account on hold for free. TextNow understands that their customers are real people, and sometimes real issues come up that can make money tight. Melissa appreciates that she can put her TextNow plan on hold temporarily, to avoid a monthly payment if she can’t afford it that month, without any penalty.

Melissa also loves the fact that she can use her TextNow number on both her phone application or directly from her PC when she’s at home. TextNow’s flexible, multi-device capabilities are a convenient way for Melissa to talk to her family and friends even if she forgets her phone at home from time-to-time.

Without any potential overage fees and all taxes included in TextNow’s advertised price, Melissa is comfortable knowing that her monthly bill will never be anything other than exactly what she signed up for.

‍_Melissa is a member of TextNow’s Affiliate Program. If you would like to participate or learn more about our Affiliate Program, please email [email protected]._

Disclaimer: This story is loosely based on real events, but all monetary values are accurately depicted as per the customer’s reports.