January 7, 2021

Must-Try Workout Apps for 2021

Written by erin

Tips & Tricks

After a year like 2020, who wouldn't want to make some changes in 2021? According to Statista, 44% of Americans have set a new year's resolution to exercise more, which also happens to be the most common resolution for the year. If exercising more is on your list of to-do's for this year, keep on reading because we've curated the must-try workout apps for 2021 below.


Available for free on Android and iOS.

Seven is the perfect app for anyone who is looking to stick to their new year's resolution but is often short on time. The Seven app has a variety of workouts available that are all only 7 minutes. Fear of commitment? This is the app for you! These short, yet effective workouts can be squeezed into any busy schedule and help you build the habit of moving your body daily, if even for a short burst.

Fitify Apps

Woman exercising on a Swiss ball

Multiple apps available free on Android and iOS.

Fitify has a collection of apps for both Android and iOS that are targeted towards a specific goal you have or equipment you have available to you. Want to improve your cardio? Try their Cardio, HIIT and Aerobic app. Have a Swiss ball laying around that you want to put to use? Try their Swiss Ball app for workouts that you can use your ball for but require no additional equipment.

My Workout Plan

Available for free on Android an iOS

This app is a great way to create, track and manage your workout routines. Not in the mood to organize your own routine? My Workout Plan has routines available for you to follow, with exercises that include photos and instructions so if you've never done a deadlift before you can still make sure you're doing it with proper form. If I've learned anything, it's that being able to track your fitness progress is key to helping motivate you to keep going to achieve clear, measurable results. So, if you want this year's resolution of exercising more to stick, My Workout Plan is a must-have!


Available for free on Android and iOS

Speaking of motivation, if you're looking to run, swim or ride more this year, Strava is a great choice. Compatible with most phones, GPS watches, heart rate monitors and more, Strava is the self-appointed Social Network for athletes. With this app, you're able to join virtual clubs to find encouragement, join challenges, and even win some pretty awesome prizes. Plus if you're a data nerd like me you'll love the Strava analytics and performance data available after each workout!

Runner by the lake

Well there you have it --- my short and sweet list of the must-try workout apps for 2021! If you try these apps and aren't loving them, that's okay too, don't let it derail your goals. There are a ton of other options, both free and paid, that you can try. Find what works for you and stick with it.

Don't forget that along with physical wellness, mental wellness is just as important --- especially coming off a year like 2020. Take a look at some great apps to help with your mental health going into the unknown that is 2021 that we've curated for you to learn more.