August 22, 2017

How To Out-Smart Your Smartphone

Written by kevin-c

Tips & Tricks

Here at TextNow HQ, we have a mission — we want to make phone service more flexible, innovative and accessible to everyone. Or, as we like to say: phones have gotten smarter… so why not your phone service?

That’s more than just a catchphrase with us. We’re serious. Here’s a question: why be tied to a specific phone or device? Traditional cell phone service is tied to your device — you can’t just sit down at your computer and use your cell phone plan on your browser, for example.

That’s where we come in. TextNow takes a completely different approach to how cell phones and messaging should work. You’re not tied to your one device — in fact, you can access your messages and use your TextNow phone number from almost anywhere! Let’s rundown all of the different ways you can use your TextNow account:

Sign Into

Many of our users may not realize it, but every TextNow account is accessible from your browser, like the one you’re using right this second to read these words. We’ve recently done a complete overhaul on our website and loaded it with more functionality. Here’s a peek:

TextNow Web App

My own TextNow Text & Calls Online page.

That’s what you see when you log into your TextNow account: The Text & Call Online page. From here you can see a list of your recent conversations, along with the icons to start a call or write a new text. Hovering over the blue side menu shows you an expanded menu, with options to get to your Wireless Account page, or download the free app for your phone, desktop or tablet, or to check out some of the phones & plans we have on sale.

TextNow Web App Menu

If you have a microphone that the browser can access, you can even call anywhere in North America right through your browser!

Download The Desktop App

We’ve recently overhauled the TextNow app to add more functionality. (Looks really nice, too — our graphic design team really doesn’t get enough props around here.)

The desktop app version is designed for the power-user, with real-time notification of calls and messages. With the desktop version, you can have your notifications go right through the Windows OS, just like all your other Windows notifications. It’s honestly pretty cool, and you can grab it from our Downloads page.

Install TextNow On Another Device

This is where TextNow really separates itself from our competition. Because everything you do on TextNow is tied to your account, there’s no reason you can’t log into multiple devices on the same account, and use the same phone number for each!

The stipulation would be, if you’re have a TextNow Wireless plan, only the phone you have the plan on would be able to access the mobile 3G/4G data network. But, every device would be able to connect through wifi and receive calls and messages simultaneously.

TextNow’s Freedom Of Access

TextNow’s multi-platform functionality comes in handy surprisingly often. For example, let’s say you’ve forgotten your phone at home (hey, it happens to the best of us) and now you’re at work. You could:

  • Log into your account on your work computer on and still send and receive messages.

  • Download our desktop app.

  • Grab another device, like a phone or tablet, and download the free TextNow app and sign into your account.

No matter what, you’re only one internet-connected device away from your TextNow account — your messages, your call history, your voicemails — at all times. Sounds pretty smart, eh?