August 18, 2022

Back to college money-saving tips

Written by kevin-c

Saving Money

College will teach you many important things, but what might be missing is a course on how to spend money wisely. With these tips from TextNow, you don't have to learn how to save on your own. Here's how to get ahead of the class before the mid-terms:

Make a budget

We’re big fans of budgeting around here, even though we realize it can be hard, especially with all the distractions of college life. But, like the rest of college: it’s good preparation for adult life. So take a look at one of our many budgeting articles, make a budget, and stick to it!

Get free money

The US Department of State keeps a list of the literally hundreds of scholarships available in the US. If you're currently enrolled, your own college admin might also have lists of bursaries and awards at your specific school. Apply for any that you are even remotely qualified for, because it never hurts to try.

Don’t pay for school with a credit card

Credit cards are without a doubt the worst way to borrow money. Interest rates on credit cards are outrageous and you’re losing money the longer you hold a balance. Avoid this at all costs! (Cause it can, and will, cost you.)

Buy used textbooks

One thing you learn very quickly in college is textbooks are super expensive. If your school has a used bookstore, or a textbook exchange program, definitely check those out before shelling out for a new expensive book. Also check Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and even Amazon for some deals.

Use your meal plan for meals only

Meal plans at college usually come with a card, and often this card will be accepted in other places than the cafeteria. If your card is accepted at, for example, a student pub, your meal plan could be used up in a single weekend. A very fun weekend, granted, but it’s probably better to use your plan for food.

Get thrifty on clothes

Thrift stores are your friend. You can save loads of money shopping at thrift stores for furniture, clothes, housewares, school supplies and more. Checking out the thrift stores in your area should be top of mind for all new college students. You can also check out services like thredUP to save on thrifting.

Ditch your phone bill

A phone at college these days is pretty much required, but you don’t necessarily need to pay for it. As tens of millions of people have discovered, TextNow lets you call and text for free (even over your crummy college dorm WiFi), and you can easily go off campus when you add a TextNow SIM Card to your phone. For only 99¢, you can connect to the largest 5G/LTE network, without a phone bill. Just like our app, which allows you to use your phone use your phone number on multiple devices, the cost of phone service is covered by ads, so service is always free.

Get TextNow today to talk and text as much as you want – for free!