April 5, 2024

Affordable unlimited data that starts at just a dollar

Written by valeria

Saving Money

There aren't too many things these days that you can get for a dollar anymore. Even the dollar stores don't offer things for a dollar anymore (make that make sense). With the exception of McDonald's $1 menu (all hail the $1 menu!), you'd be hard pressed to find actually useful things at that price point. Until you discover TextNow.

TextNow isn't your traditional phone carrier. We don't deal with contracts, hidden fees, prices that are only applied if you bundle buy for the year, or high monthly prices. All we care about is connecting you to the things that matter, in the cheapest way possible. Which is why we offer our unlimited data a little differently:


TextNow's affordable data passes

TextNow's $1 Unlimited Data Plan

That's right, you can buy unlimited data for just a dollar. Let us explain:

We recently found out that 75% of Americans rely on Wi-Fi for at least half of their data usage. This means that you might be paying $50/month for an unlimited data plan, but realistically, only using a small portion of it, as you're mostly always connected to Wi-Fi (home, work, public spaces). Which made us wonder: Is paying for a whole month of data even worth it?

If you're wondering the same thing, we have the solution for you: Hour and Day Passes! With these options, you can get data on the go for when you actually need it – running a quick errand, a boring bus commute, or even as Tom's Guide recommended, as a great option for kids. And you can do it for cheap – only a $1 or $5 purchase that doesn't auto-renew, or come with any other additional fees.

What Happens After My Data Expires

If you're worried about staying connected without data, we got you covered there too. Because the TextNow SIM card that connects you to the nation's largest 5G network when you buy data also connects your phone number to that same network for free. When your data passes expire, we will simply put you back on our free nationwide service, which includes unlimited talk & text.

Our service works on the TextNow app, where all your texts and calls live. This is also where you're able to buy a data pass, cancel a data pass, listen to or read your voicemails, get access to support, and so much more. We support this app with ads, which in turn pay for your texts and calls over the 5G network. Which really just means that you never have to pay for answering in the group chat while getting your coffee, or answering the call from your kids' school while you're in line at the CVS.

Phone service isn't complicated. But most carriers make it feel like it is. If you just want to be available on the go without breaking the bank or reading a bunch of fine print, try TextNow today.