December 16, 2022

Why #TextNowPays is giving away $50K

Written by kevin-c


On the TextNow careers page we have two big, bold statements that summarize our mission:

Communication belongs to everyone.

We are on a mission to help people connect with technology for free or as close to free as possible.

I’m guessing I don’t need to tell you that right now in the US communication is anything but free. A new iPhone or flagship Android phone is upwards of a thousand dollars. Even a halfway decent new cell phone will set you back a couple hundred bucks – before we even consider phone bills.

Phone bills have always been too high, but during these times of rampant inflation and rate hikes, they seem even more out of control. We want to ease the burden many are facing as we head into the new year.

To help we’re giving away $50K* to pay off phone bills – because connection is a gift no one should pay for, especially during the holidays. We believe that communication belongs to everyone – that’s why we’re striving to make communication affordable to everyone, so you can always stay connected without cost.

(*$35,000 will be awarded via GoFundMe and $15,000 will be awarded via the TextNow Pays Sweepstakes.)

You can enter through December 23rd, so hurry for your chance to win! Seeing early messages like this lovely note and other heartfelt messages pour in only reinforces our belief that free phone service is something everyone deserves.

*Note: The contest is now closed! Winners will be contacted!

On Twitter: Tag @TextNow on Twitter using #TextNowPays and #Sweepstakes

On Instagram: Comment on our $50K sweepstakes post on Instagram with @TextNow and the hashtags #TextNowPays and #Sweepstakes.

That’s it! Winners will be notified. Enter now and have yourself a merry little phone bill free holiday!