August 17, 2022

What's for Dinner? Recipes from the TextNow team

Written by kevin-c


Download: The TextNow Cookbook (PDF download, 4.3MB – it may take a moment to load)

Pre-Covid, TextNow had a long-standing tradition where the whole company would eat lunch together at the same time. We think it encourages cross collaboration and honestly it's just fun. If TextNow had a love language as a company, it would certainly involve food.

These days we might all be spread out in our home offices, or in one of our actual offices in the US and Canada, but our shared love of food remains. So much so that the Product Operations team put together a cookbook of their favorite dishes to share amongst their team. But it's too good to keep to ourselves, so we’ve shared the PDF for download here!

It’s jam-packed with all sorts of goodies, from starters to dessert, for vegetarians and meat eaters. There’s even a few cocktail recipes!

Enjoy this little taste of TextNow, and don't forget to let us know in the comments which dish is your favorite.