February 8, 2021

Self Care V-Day

Written by valeria

Tips & Tricks

As another sugary, pink-infused Valentine's Day approaches, some of you may already be counting down the days until the cupid craze is over and you can get excited for the one day that actually matters—the "all chocolate is now on sale day," otherwise known as February 15th. Watching other couples and otherwise romantic gestures can be exhausting during this time, but if there's anything the pandemic has made easier this year — about the only thing— is the ability to shut yourself away, and turn a blind eye to all that outside noise, so that you can focus on the one relationship that does matter — the one with yourself.

Now, we won't try and impose on your party for one, but we can at least share our tips for making this year's Valentine's Day your best Self Care Day yet.

Self care

Plan your meal(s) in advance

Whether you have a favorite spot in the city that you'd like to treat yourself to, or perhaps you've been waiting for the perfect opportunity to try out that new trending TikTok recipe (have you seen the feta pasta one?), planning your meal plans in advance will help in taking the stress of scrolling through delivery apps, or scrambling outside to find the right groceries off of your shoulders. Food delivery apps will usually let you schedule when you'd like your delivery, so you could even place your order the night before, and wake up with nothing to do but enjoy the view, and happily wait for your food to be delivered like the queen—or king—that you are.

Try out a new coffee drink

And we don't mean swapping out your usual vanilla for a pistachio shot in your Starbucks latte (although, if that's what you're into, go for it!—it's your self care day, after all). Making your own coffee concoctions at home have never been easier, with handheld milk frothers available for less than $20 online, sweeteners and all variations of milks and creams available at your local grocery store, and of course—the countless videos, tutorials, and articles online available for you to try something new in the comfort of your own home this year. And once you get the hang of it, you could even venture into getting creative with your own mixes: Hazelnut almond milk chai latte with extra vanilla-sweetened foam anyone?

Make yourself at home with your very own spa day

Probably the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of "self care" is the highly sought after spa day. And while actual spas may be temporarily closed in your area, or just outside of your budget, setting up your own sanctuary at home sounds like the ideal getaway. Different people will have different needs, whether that be a massage, a facial, a steam session, or just an hour or two of quiet meditation. Set up the space in your home that will suit your needs best: organize, clean, shuffle things around until it feels right. Maybe get some mood lighting with hanging lights or a salt lamp, and put together a music playlist beforehand that can set the mood. If you're into taking baths, invest in a bathtub tray that will hold your drink, your book, and a bowl of snacks so that you don't have to leave the bathtub for...well, for as long as you want.

Turn your notifications off

After all of that, if you're finally at the part of the day where you're ready to turn on your TV and binge watch a new (or old) series, do yourself a favor and turn your phone notifications off. Eliminate distractions, and the temptation to see what everyone else is posting on their Instagram pages, and remember to shift the focus back on you---the only one that matters today.