January 3, 2022

New Year texting and phone habits we’d like to leave in 2021

Written by alyssa

Tips & Tricks

With 2022 here, it's time for a new you, whatever that means to you! But one thing I think we should all agree on is leaving phone habits that we accumulated over this past year behind. Phone habits can be a doozy to break, but that's why the new year is a perfect start to creating a better relationship with that device, and we've got the tips to help you do it:

Using your phone as a distraction

Not going to lie, this one is probably the hardest habit to break! It's just so easy to pick up that phone and go on social media and find yourself lost in an endless amount of content. While it can be a fun time, it can also distract you from other work you might need to get done. That's why there are apps that help you to focus, so instead of looking through Instagram, you can finish that one assignment you've been putting off for hours. Apps like Forest: Stay Focused, Focus Keeper: Time Management, and Noisli can help you get your work done by blocking distracting apps, creating to-do lists to keep you organized, and much more. So you can get back to scrolling through socials, video calling your BFF, and catching up on your threads faster without the extra stress.

Not updating your voicemail

The second habit to change would be updating your voicemail. This one is definitely an afterthought at times when planning to go on a trip or taking the week off, but nonetheless an important habit to get into, especially for those that have a small business and need to keep their clients updated at all time. Luckily, with TextNow, it's an easy---and free--- process, which you can find out more about here.

Charging too close

Lastly, keep some distance when charging your phone. This is a helpful habit to build so that you can fall asleep better, and not wake up with too much stimulation. This can cause a lot of stress when waking up with your mind going from 0 - 100. Instead of charging your phone next to you on the bed, charge it in the kitchen or the living room. You can use an alarm clock instead, and even better, upgrade to one with a sunlight wake-up mode. The HomeLabs Sunrise Alarm Clock, for example, is a much more natural way to wake up, instead of that bright blue screen in your face. Other alarm clocks can also help you fall asleep as well, some with white noise settings that can help you forget about your phone in the other room, such as Jall Wooden Digital Alarm Clock , YTE White Noise Alarm Clock, and Lenovo Smart Clock Essential. There is an abundance of different alarm clocks that you can choose from and start building a healthy relationship with your phone!

These are just a few habits that you can leave behind, but they're habits that can drastically change the way you use your phone. What other habits are you looking to leave behind in 2021? Let us know below.