March 17, 2021

Living Green: Not Just for St. Patrick's Day

Written by valeria

Tips & Tricks

St. Patrick's Day, the day that the world turns into one collective green parade. It's a treasured tradition of abandoning your distaste for Guinness beer and large social gatherings—sure—but there are other ways that you can celebrate your propensity for green other than stocking up on food colouring.

Most us by now would associate the term "green" with the movement toward leading a more environmentally-friendly lifestyle. It can range from the food that you eat, the transportation that you take, even the clothes that you wear. Every one of us has a part to play in reducing our overall carbon footprint, and it can be as simple as making a phone call. Let me explain.

Green Phone

It is woefully impossible to navigate today's world without a phone. And it seems that every few months a new one comes out, equipped with brand new features and enticing specs. But before you make the plunge to upgrade, think about the environmental impact of producing electronics and not disposing of old ones properly. When we last noted this, we recommended a slew of more environmentally-friendly options including: Buying refurbished, looking for used phones, and disposing of your old one through an electronics drop-off spot or with a simple family hand-down.

And if you do end up spending all of your cash on it, you can rest assured that you won't be out of phone service. We've made it free for anyone who needs it. Just download the app, tap on "Free Coverage" in the menu, and voila! You're on your way to staying connected with your own phone number anywhere you go. Without dropping a cent on service.

Green money

A better use of your money

Green Drink

Pun intended in this one. Because your green beer doesn't have to just be one in the literal sense. Short of making your own home brew (Schraderbräu, anyone?), there are a few other tips we recommend for making a more sustainable drinking choice:

  • Look for craft breweries that are minimizing their carbon footprint by using renewable energy, amongst other green initiatives. Many will even be available on your local stores' shelves.

  • If the above options are not available to you, something as simple as choosing brands that don't use plastic packaging (especially those plastic rings) will go a long way.

  • Lastly, recycle your empty cans and bottles. And if you can, return them for a nice little refund!

beers at sunset

Cheers to that!

Green Attire

Possibly the most wasteful aspect of any St. Patrick's day celebration is the excess of props. From plastic leprechaun hats to plastic beaded necklaces, it's a haven for the cheap party supplies chains. But we can all do our part in reducing our single-use plastic consumption by: Reusing props from last year or borrowing from friends, opting for green attire that you can wear every day (sweater, baseball cap, scarf), or just simply abstaining from purchasing any net new supplies.

It doesn't take much, but the smallest choices can make the largest impact. We can all be a little more green, even when it's not March 17.