November 27, 2020

Green Tech Gadgets For 2020

Written by kevin-c

Tips & Tricks

Here's the thing: I love gadgets. But I also love, you know, the planet. Luckily, one does not have to preclude the other because, as it turns out there are some really nifty green tech gadgets out there to stuff into a eco-friendly biodegradable holiday stocking. Here's TextNow's round-up of some of the coolest green tech gadgets out there for 2020.

Rocketbook - ($32.00)


Somewhat ironically, while I love gadgets, I also tend to default to good ol' pen & paper when it comes to jotting down notes or writing outlines. Which is fine but also a pretty big waste of paper over time. Enter the Rocketbook, a reusable notebook. Write in it normally, and use the Rocketbook app (available for Android and iOS) to send your notes to cloud storage, or have the Rocketbook transcribe your notes into an email or document. Then you wipe the page clean and voila! Reusable notebook! Now you can finish your literary masterpiece without wasting paper.

Botanium Smart Planter ($99.99)

Botanium Smart Planter

Plants and I don't get along so well. Don't get me wrong, I like plants, and I'm a huge fan of oxygen. But I'm laughably bad at taking care of them, which makes the Botanium Smart Planter the kind of gadget I could really use.  The Botanium is a soil-less planter that - and this is the part I really need - automatically waters the plant for you. Super useful if you go on vacation, or if you're just a dummy like me who constantly forgets to water his basil plant.

Solgaard Solarbank Boombox ($105.00)

olgaard Solarbank Boombox

Ok, this is not technically a boombox in the classic 80s sense - there's no dual-cassette player and it doesn't run on six D-batteries. In fact it doesn't use batteries at all. Nope instead it's a solar-powered bluetooth speaker from Solgaard that also doubles (triples?) as a USB and iPhone charger. Which means you can pack this on your camping trip and rock the bonfire party all day long. Shockingly useful even for those indoor kids, like me, who are seemingly always out of charging ports. And solar power is the eco-friendliest power there is.

Infinite Air Portable Wind Turbine ($135.00)

portable wind turbine

There are a surprising number of hand-crank gadgets out there that will give your USB technology a charge in an emergency. But come on. I'm not gonna hand crank power to my phone. What am I, Amish? Especially when I can let the wind do it for me. Enter the Infinite Air from Texenergy, which is, according to their ad copy, an "extremely"  portable wind turbine. I'm not sure how extreme it, but it importantly comes with a pile of adapters to power up whatever you need when you're at the top of a mountain.

Segway Ninebot Go-Kart Kit ($849.99)

segway go kart

But enough of the practical gifts. Green tech can be super fun too. Like this Segway electric powered go-cart kit that transforms a Segway Ninebot into a bitchin' go-cart. Wait, though, what if you don't have a Segway Ninebot? No worries, as Segway sells bundles that include the go-cart conversion kit for a price that might surprise you with it's affordability. The only real problem will be trying to fit in into a holiday stocking.