March 16, 2018

Express Yourself! Five Apps To Unleash Your Inner Self

Written by madison

Tips & Tricks

“Express yourself” doesn’t just mean letting the world know who you are.It’s a way to identify and stand out in a world of similarity and cookie-cutter molds. Essentially expressing yourself can mean whatever you want it to — and you can be however bold or vanilla as you want in the process.

Smartphones can help you move away from having to tell people who you really are — they let you show people. Here are six apps that allow you to express yourself easily and in many different ways.



We have all been that person who speaks entire sentences through emoticons. For instance: I’m ⬇️✌️🌎 & My favourite 🎥 is 👽🚲🌕 Translation: I’m down to earth and my favourite movie is E.T. Well Bitmoji is the app where you can make yourself into an emoji! Now you can customize conversations with a tiny version of yourself.You start by creating your avatar — you can make it look like yourself, or whoever you want! There are so many different hair styles, glasses, makeup and clothes to choose from. After your Bitmoji is complete you can add it as a key board and use it in texts and other apps such as Snapchat!

My bitmoji just gets me.



As mobile photography takes off, so has Instagram. Seriously, cameras on smart phones nowadays are insanely powerful. They now have 2x optical zoom, image stabilization on lenses, Bokeh effects, other high-end photo effects, customized lighting effects, slow-motion video capabilities… the list goes on and on. This being said, access to better, user friendly cameras you can carry around in your pocket gives anyone and everyone the opportunity to be a professional photographer, and Instagram is the platform where you can show off your masterpieces.You can post pictures and videos to your Instagram account and share with the people you allow to follow you. You can even tag people (or any account) in your posts. Another cool feature are Stories, where you post pictures and videos, add captions, emojis or gifs and they feature on your page for a temporary twenty-four hours #DoItForTheGram



One of the best ways to express yourself is through music. Spotify is an easy, and affordable way to access all the music you want! The free version does play the occasional ad, but you can upgrade to premium for $9.99 a month (after the first 30-day free trial).There are hundred of thousands of artists, songs, and playlists to choose from. You can even express yourself through the different mood playlists, decades, workouts, genres — the options are never ending! You can even create your own playlists. That’s right, you have the power to add any song to your own custom playlist. At TextNow, we chose to express ourselves through our summer road trip playlist.



If you never heard the phrase “I got inspo from Pinterest” then you must be living under a rock. I think every person I know has turned to Pinterest for at least one recipe, interior design decor tip, or DIY project. It is an online ‘pinboard’ where you can upload photos and share your own ideas for just about anything. You can also cross-link other social media platforms, and share/pin other people’s photos. You can express yourself through whatever you want really. People who search for topics that relate to your posts can then pin and use your ideas — it’s pretty genius. I personally use it to show my hair dresser the exact cut/color I want, or if I’m feeling crafty (which is rarely ever) I’ll turn to Pinterest for some fun artistic ideas.



If you have ever thought about starting a blog to express yourself, we think you should GO FOR IT!!!There are a ton of different blogging platforms out there, but we’re fond of one in particular: Medium! It’s extremely user-friendly when it comes to posting your own blog, or searching for other awesome blogs to read. All you have to do is create an account which you create using a verified email, choose from different topics that interest you, and ta-da, you’re ready to start blogging.Blogging is a really great way to write about things that you love and are passionate about. You don’t have to be an award winning author to blog, and you can share your posts with whoever — or keep them for yourself.

What are you waiting for? Go express yourself — whether it’s through writing, music or sharing photos. These apps make it easy to be yourself.